Introduce Filter and Sort Capabilities in the CNN Mobile App
Filter and Sort on Mobile
CNN App Search Page
The objective is to introduce a sort and filter function on the CNN mobile app search page to improve user engagement. Through improved search and filter functionality, users will be able to efficiently navigate through content, access relevant information, and personalize their browsing experience according to their preferences.
In this case study, I will analyze CNN's ecosystem and user base to identify common pain points experienced by CNN app users. Subsequently, I will formulate a minimum viable product (MVP) solution designed to alleviate these key pain points. And then finally, I will establish success metrics and develop a rollout plan to pilot our MVP solution with a subset of the CNN app user base.
Introducing a filter and sort feature on the CNN mobile app to complement their search page will improve user engagement.
What can we learn from competitors?
Currently, none of the mobile apps offered by competitors such as Fox News, BBC News, AP News, and NBC News include a sorting and filtering feature integrated with their search page. However, numerous other mobile apps across various segments excel in their design of the sort and filter function.
NBC News
Fox News
A few common themes and design approaches across apps with leading sort and filter capabilities
Full screen filter:
The full screen filtering page is one of the preferred design approaches for enhancing the user experience when filtering becomes important
The ample space allows for the clear and organized presentation of multiple filter options, enhancing navigation and usability
The filter page enables users to utilize the entire screen to add and manipulate filters.
Users can select multiple options, experiment with combinations, and apply their choices seamlessly
Side drawer filter:
This design approach in mobile provides a dynamic and interactive filtering experience.
Filters slide out from the side of the screen (left or right) after clicking a button.
They overlay part of the main content, visually connecting users to the main screen.
Users can see immediate results in the content as filters are applied
Quick filter access:
This design offer users filters at the top of the screen, giving users quick access to filter
Only necessary filters are presented, avoiding full screen or side filters
This option is especially useful for frequently used filters
Designers incorporate it for enhanced user convenience
McMaster's filter and sort function receives universal praise from users for its clean design and high intuitiveness. This feature enables users to swiftly and efficiently narrow down their results, enhancing their overall experience.
Although McMaster operates within a different industry, their filter and sort design approach offers valuable lessons that can be applied across various sectors
Realtor (Full screen filter)
ebay (Side drawer filter)
DoorDash (Quick filter access)
AP News
Who uses CNN mobile app?
CNN Users:
•CNN's audience persona is a college-educated woman aged 25 to 54
•She leans politically left but prefers neutral news coverage
•She prioritizes national news over international and local news
•She is busy and consumes most of her news online or through her smartphone
•She occasionally watches cable television news for brief periods
Source: Cable Network Profiles
Use Cases of CNN mobile app
Receive daily news, in-depth reporting, expert commentary
Read articles and save them later for consumption
Set custom alerts and notifications for news updates
Select news categories of interest, e.g. Politics, Business, and Entertainment
Listen to CNN live audio
Watch exclusive news programs from the anchors you trust
Watch CNN live coverage (with your TV provider)
Watch CNN Original Series and films on-demand (with your TV provider)
Watch a 10-minute preview of live coverage each day
For the purpose of this case study, we’ll focus on the following use cases:
Receive daily new, in-depth reporting, and expert commentary
Select new categories of interest; e.g. Politics, Business, and Entertainment
In designing the most effective sort and filter function, our approach will address fundamental user concerns within a specific target segment, guided by primary use cases. Our focus will center on users who:
Live in the United States
Female aged between 25-54
She consumes the majority of her news via the CNN mobile app
Introducing a filter and sort function will significantly improve the digital experience for CNN mobile app users, enabling them to quickly and efficiently narrow down their queries.
What are the pain points that these users need addressed?
Difficult time in finding a specific CNN article from approximately 3 months ago
The user is searching an business topic article on the housing market
The results are in the thousands and include a mixed bag of topics
The search results are displayed in descending order, and cannot be sorted in ascending order
Struggling to sift through numerous articles to locate the desired one.
Users may be overwhelmed by the results produced by their query
Users would prefer a function refine their search and narrow down the results
It takes a long time to peruse through hundreds or thousand of keyword results
Scrolling to an article that was published approximately 3 months ago takes an inordinate amount of time
Navigating through the results can be time-consuming, as there are numerous topics covering the keyword, even after painstakingly scrolling and finding the specified timeframe
How does a CNN app user find a specific article
Upon launching the CNN app, users are met with a clean and intuitive interface with a prominent search function indicator on the top right of the home page. However, the search function lacks filtering options, and at times requires users to sift through numerous articles.
Ella, 38
Scenario: Ella and her best friend, Kelly, typically chat over the phone, or over text messages during their lunch breaks. Kelly is currently shopping for her first home, but is worried about the high interest rates. Ella recalled reading a CNN article from a month or so ago that she wants to share with Kelly.
Ella’s expectations:
I should be able to find this article for Kelly
I do know the CNN app has a search feature
It shouldn’t take long to find that article for Kelly
From this research, we can conclude a couple of things:
CNN is one of the leading providers in delivering comprehensive news content across various platforms
CNN, like its competitors, currently lacks a sort and filter feature integrated into its mobile app's search page
Generally, the primary pain points revolve around the necessity to refine keyword search results
Currently, the CNN mobile app lacks an integrated sort and filter feature on their search page.
Decrease the time it takes to complete core actions on the search page of the CNN app by enabling users to filter and sort through their search results
We will be focusing on solving these core pain points through a filter and sort feature on the CNN app. By aiding users in locating their desired content with greater speed and efficiency, we'll significantly enhance the overall digital experience.
What should be included in the MVP?
To justify resource allocation, we should begin by testing an MVP of the filter and search feature, starting with the Quick Filter design approach. If successful, we'll proceed to develop a more comprehensive filter and sort feature
We’ll add a quick filter access function at the top of the page. This approach takes up minimal real estate on the screen.
Users will have the criteria boxes to select from. The Date criteria will be a date range. The Media Type criteria will include All, Stories, Videos, and Photos. The Category criteria will include, US, World, Politics, Business, Markets, Opinion, Health, Entertainment, Tech, Style, Travel, Sports.
As the user selects filter options, the results will dynamically update, providing real-time results. Additionally, the screen will prominently display the number of results, ensuring users have clear visibility into the impact of their filter selections.
The sorting feature will include Date and Relevance. The default for the Date sort will be in descending order, and the default for Relevance is the most relevant first.
Filter and Sort function on the Search Page
A/B Test Metrics
Avg Time From App Open → Core Use Case Completion
If we are solving our user’s main pain points, we should see a decrease in the amount of time it takes for users to complete core actions. This tracks users who use the search page to find specific articles or other media that interests them.
The following secondary metrics will assist us in identifying potential areas for improvement or optimization within the Filter and Sort feature.
search start→ filter rate
How many users are using the filter function?
Are users having issues identifying the filter function?
search start → sort rate
What is the number of users that are using the sort function?
Are users having issues identifying the sort function?
search start → abandon rate (filter)
What is the number of users who perform a search on the page but exit session without utilizing the filter function?
search start → abandon rate (sort)
What is the number of users who perform a search on the page but exit session without utilizing the sort function?
filter start → result click rate (A)
What is the number of users that use the filter function and click on a result?
filter start → result click rate (B)
What is the number of users that use more than one filter and click on a result?
sort start → result click rate
What is the number of users that use the sort function and click on a result?
The average time between filtered results and clicks
How long does it take to select a filtered result?
The average time between sorted result and clicks
How long does it take to select a sorted result?
Number of users using the search page
Are more users using the search page over a period of time?
Number of users clicking on search results
Is there an increase in the number of users clicking on search page results?
A/B Test Universal Search
To enhance the user experience of the CNN app with the introduction of the Filter and Search function, we will conduct testing. Our approach involves A/B testing the MVP with a select group of new and existing users within our target segment.
Control: Current CNN app without the Filter and Search function (Start at 90% of audience)
Variant: CNN app inclusive of the Filter and Search Function (Start at 10% of audience)
Audience: Users who…
Live in the United States
Are between the ages of 25 and 54
Primary Metric:
Average time between search page open → core use case completion
To summarize, we will initiate the A/B test variant with 10% of our target audience to allow for iteration without significant impact on the majority of users within this audience.
If the A/B test yields positive results, meeting our primary success metrics without any adverse effects, we will extend our test to all users across the United States, irrespective of age. Should the metrics remain positive within the expanded cohort, we will proceed to implement the MVP for all users in the United States.
As we maintain positive outcomes, we'll advance the enhancement of the Filter and Sort functionality by implementing additional features outlined in our roadmap, and extend the feature to international users. Concurrently, we'll conduct thorough investigations into any potential bugs or issues, iteratively addressing them as needed, and resume the experimentation process.
Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts
In summary, I propose A/B testing an MVP of the Filter and Sort feature to streamline core actions such as searching, locating, and sharing CNN articles/media, with the objective of reducing completion time for users in our target segment.
Should the test yield favorable outcome, I suggest expanding the functionality of the Filter and Sort feature globally.
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